Sprott Insights offers unique analyses and perspectives from the firm’s leading experts on key topics in precious metals and critical materials.

Sprott Gold Report
The Dollar, Safe Haven or Leaky Lifeboat?
"The parabolic rise in the dollar contains the seeds of its own demise. The façade of dollar strength foretells a comeuppance for all currencies in the form of a steep devaluation in terms of gold."

Sprott Gold Report
Inflation, No Quick Fix
If the Fed is to abandon the practice of inflating financial assets, which would represent a secular shift in direction, substantial deflation lies ahead from which the purchasing power of gold is expected increase in real terms.

Sprott Gold Report
Putin’s Gambit
The price of gold has been treading water for 10 years while the investment fundamentals have improved dramatically. That is why, in our opinion, significant upside lies ahead for gold and related equities.

Sprott Gold Report
Waiting for the Pivot
With Fed policy taking a more hawkish turn, the fire hose of liquidity that has fueled market mania is being turned off. At this moment, it appears that confidence in the Fed and attraction to gold are binary.
Investment Risks and Important Disclosure
Relative to other sectors, precious metals and natural resources investments have higher headline risk and are more sensitive to changes in economic data, political or regulatory events, and underlying commodity price fluctuations. Risks related to extraction, storage and liquidity should also be considered.
Gold and precious metals are referred to with terms of art like store of value, safe haven and safe asset. These terms should not be construed to guarantee any form of investment safety. While “safe” assets like gold, Treasuries, money market funds and cash generally do not carry a high risk of loss relative to other asset classes, any asset may lose value, which may involve the complete loss of invested principal.
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